Author Archives: trentj

About trentj

I'm Oliver's dad :)

Goofing off in the bath, part two.

In this video Oliver talks about Cheryl and her rules and regulations, particularly around elbows and tables. Jen and I came to the conclusion that Cheryl wasn’t very nice to the poor children and we pulled him out of her home daycare.

[flashvideo filename=/video/2003-04-13_goofing_off_bath_pt2_elbows.flv image=/images/video/2003-04-13_goofing_off_bath_pt2_elbows1.jpg /]

Ack! Freaky spider!

I don’t remember what the occasion was, but it looks like we were hosting a BBQ with some friends and the giant plastic spider was unleashed on us all.

[flashvideo filename=/video/2002-08-02_freaky_spider.flv image=/images/video/2002-08-02_freaky_spider1.jpg /]